Manage Pain.

Reduce Inflammation.

Speed Recovery.

Our office offers one of the most advanced MLS laser therapies used in the industry. The MLS laser has been called “The Therapy” of the 21st century. In over 1700 publications, there have been no recorded negative side-effects. This versatile tool is totally safe, non-toxic, and easy to use. In around thirty years of using the MLS laser, it has become one of the most versatile conjunctive tools we have ever used. It has potent synergistic effects with nutritional therapies. It is both doctor and patient friendly.

Dr. O’Donnell is featured on Channel 12 News with Gillian Neff, Health Reporter on the benefits of MLS Cold Laser Therapy:

This promising tool is called the MLS laser, the soft laser, the low-power laser; or the low level laser (lllt laser therapy). The term laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation. All lasers emit coherent, focused light that travels in a narrow beam in one direction, without any actual radiation, despite the name.

• High Power, “hot” lasers have shorter wavelengths, which have catabolic effects that can deliberately destroy tissue in cauterizing and surgical applications.

• Low Power, “soft”, “cool”, or “cold” lasers have longer wavelengths that have anabolic effects that promote rapid reduction of pain, accelerate healing time, and accelerate growth and repair.

• It is the unique combination and synchronization of continuous and pulsed emissions that characterizes MLS and distinguishes it from other Class IV lasers.

Unlike early-generation Class IV technology, MLS Laser Therapy has the capability to deliver controlled laser energy.  This unique feature provides more accurate therapeutic dose delivery, which means consistent and repeatable results.

MLS lasers have stimulative effects rather than destructive ones. It may be the perfect conjunctive tool for chiropractic treatments and myofascial release. Clinical applications of the MLS laser have included acute and chronic pain reduction from many etiologies, inflammation reduction, enhanced tissue healing, and cell regeneration. The results have shown very rapid pain reduction and accelerated recovery times, far exceeding conventional methods. 

The benefits of lllt laser therapy are relatively new in the medical industry. Despite this, Dr. O’Donnell was quick to adopt the technology as she saw a marked improvement in her patients’ quality of life, and most notably in the reduction of pain and swelling and the increase in patient mobility.

MLS Laser Therapy technology is the most advanced laser therapy system on the market. Reduction of response times, and therefore overall treatment times, distinguishes MLS Laser Therapy from traditional laser therapy with reciprocal advantages for both the operator and the patient.   

More about MLS Laser Therapy

MLS Laser Therapy effectively treats pain associated with:

  • Arthritis

  • Tendonitis/Tendonapathy/Tendinosis

  • Wounds

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Neuromas

  • Post-Surgical Swelling and Pain

  • Disc Disease

  • Myofascial Pain

  • Sports Injuries

  • Neck Pain/Back Pain

  • Muscle Strains

  • Ligament Sprains 

  • Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist and Hand Pain

  • Hip/Knee/Ankle/Foot Pain

  • Diabetic Neuropathy

  •  ...and much more!

10 Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effect

  • Analgesic Effect

  • Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth

  • Improved Vascular Activity

  • Increases Metabolic Activity

  • Stimulation of Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points

  • Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation

  • Improved Nerve Function

  • Immunoregulation

  • Faster Wound Healing